Happy new Year 2025
The Blobby League wishes everyone a happy new year. Stay healthy, good luck and only the best!
Written by Mr.Enderson on 02.01.2025 at 02:02:55 - 0 comments

Merry Christmas
We wish you and your families a merry Christmas and happy days!
Written by Mr.Enderson on 25.12.2024 at 23:48:52 - 0 comments

Happy Birthday Mortan
Today is Mortans birthday! All the best wishes for you, enjoy your day!
Written by BVBenni on 17.12.2024 at 09:08:04 - 0 comments

Finals 03/24 are over
The final is over! ShinyArceus once again secured 1st place, so he is still the Blobby Volley League Champion! 2nd place went to Dr. B3st, earning his 8th silver medal. 3rd place went to gulogulonr1 and 4th place went to Nikolei75. The medals have been handed out. Congratulations to all the winners!! Mr.Enderson was the lone fighter in the prediction game, so a pat on the back is enough for that, but leave the trophy alone :)
Written by Mr.Enderson on 22.10.2024 at 20:12:05 - 0 comments

Last Minute Finals
Within the last minutes of the season, a few motivated players managed to qualify for the finals. The (slightly delayed) finals of season 3/24 are hereby open. Good luck to all players! Edit Mr.Enderson: Please remember to give feedback as to whether you are playing. So far we have received 2 responses, so 2 are still missing. Or at least a short message as to whether everyone has "found each other", i.e. whether they have been able to arrange a date for the match!
Written by Mortan on 04.10.2024 at 11:18:25 - 0 comments

Finals 01/24 completed
All final games were played and it couldn't have been more exciting. In the end, Mr.Enderson and ShinyArceus are tied with 87 points. This means that one of the additional rules of the final games applies: 4. In the event of a draw, the number of counter points counts. Since ShinyArceus has less points in total, he is the new BlobbyVolley League Champion and gets his first gold medal and now has the challenge cup in his profile. Congratulations!! Second place goes to Mr.Enderson and the third goes to gulogulonr1. Nikolei75 finished his first tournament with fourth place. Congratulations to all participants! There is also a draw in the betting game, even in the triple. Therefore, everyone who bets also receives a bettor's cup. Congratulations on this.
Written by Mr.Enderson on 27.04.2024 at 21:17:07 - 2 comments

Finals 01/24 opened
After a small delay, for which I apologize, it has now been decided to let the finals 01/24 begin. An email will be sent to the players. The games are set, we can bet and we can start. Good luck to all participants!
Written by Mr.Enderson on 05.04.2024 at 00:09:56 - 0 comments

Happy new Year 2024
The Blobby League wishes everyone a happy new year. Stay healthy, good luck and only the best! And hopefully here’s to a renewed revival of the league!
Written by Mr.Enderson on 01.01.2024 at 01:47:22 - 0 comments

Cancellation of the Finals 3/23
Hello Blobby community. Unfortunately, the last final games could not be finished until today because GK unfortunately disappeared and he didn't give any more feedback. We hope that he is doing well and will come back soon. After internal discussion, it was decided that the finals would be canceled and there would be no medal awarding. In addition, due to the lack of players, the next upcoming finals of the 4/23 season will not be played either. We ask for your understanding. A personal note from me, I really hope that we get a little more activity again in the next few weeks.
Written by Mr.Enderson on 27.12.2023 at 23:56:30 - 0 comments

Merry Christmas
We wish you and your families a merry Christmas and happy days!
Written by Mr.Enderson on 24.12.2023 at 00:05:35 - 0 comments

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