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30.04.202421:58ShinyArceusBotenjunge15 : 2 || 15 : 1 => 30 : 3Show score
26.04.202418:23ShinyArceusNikolei7515 : 0 || 15 : 0 => 30 : 0Show score
16.04.202421:50Mr.EndersonShinyArceus15 : 12 || 12 : 15 => 27 : 27Show score
15.04.202421:54Mr.EndersonNikolei7515 : 0 || 15 : 2 => 30 : 2Show score
15.04.202419:33gulogulonr1Nikolei7515 : 3 || 15 : 2 => 30 : 5Show score
14.04.202421:52Mr.Endersongulogulonr115 : 10 || 15 : 9 => 30 : 19Show score
13.04.202421:39ShinyArceusgulogulonr115 : 3 || 15 : 5 => 30 : 8Show score
06.02.202401:31gulogulonr1Nikolei7515 : 7 || 15 : 1 => 30 : 8Show score
19.01.202418:27ShinyArceusgulogulonr115 : 7 || 15 : 4 => 30 : 11Show score
14.01.202417:14gulogulonr1ShinyArceus5 : 15 || 6 : 15 => 11 : 30Show score

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