Blobby Volley League >> Chat

(14:46) Botenjunge: I still don’t get how to connect to other players here though. I was always just playing in front of the computer with friends
(14:58) gulogulonr1: Hello Botenjunge and welcome to the liga
(15:00) gulogulonr1: if you need help with something about the game just ask
(15:00) gulogulonr1: we will do our best to help
(15:10) gulogulonr1: if you download blobby v1.1.1 from
(15:11) gulogulonr1: you can play wit others when you choose online servers in the game meny
(15:14) gulogulonr1: hello shiny
(15:27) Botenjunge: Ah that was very helpful! Thank you @gulogulonr1
(15:27) Botenjunge: Ah that was very helpful! Thank you @gulogulonr1
(15:27) Botenjunge: Ah that was very helpful! Thank you @gulogulonr1
(15:28) gulogulonr1: Your welcome
(15:29) Botenjunge: You want a quick 1:1?
(15:29) gulogulonr1: We can do that what speed i preffere 160
(15:30) Botenjunge: Okay let me try 160% then
(15:30) gulogulonr1: I am on the server now
(15:31) Botenjunge: I opened a game now with 160
(15:32) gulogulonr1: cant see you are you there
(15:33) gulogulonr1: you can just join my game
(15:33) Botenjunge: We started the game but I am playing from the iPad and struggling with controls. It’s not working with arrows
(15:34) gulogulonr1: ok i would recommend pc and play with mouse
(15:35) Botenjunge: Let me try again with the laptop
(15:35) gulogulonr1: ok
(15:35) gulogulonr1: would be best if you have a real mouse just my opinion
(15:36) Botenjunge: Opened a game now
(15:40) Botenjunge: 160% is insane though. Feels laggy
(15:40) Botenjunge: How do I get points for a game?
(15:41) gulogulonr1: if it shoul d be recorded in the liga you shoul challenge the player on the blobby site firrs
(15:42) Botenjunge: Ah okay got it. Thanks”
(15:42) gulogulonr1: you click on the player name and challenge him
(15:42) gulogulonr1: want one mor
(15:43) gulogulonr1: more
(15:43) Botenjunge: Sure let’s have one more. Last one for me until after 18:00 because I am supposed to work right now
(15:43) gulogulonr1: ok
(15:44) gulogulonr1: opend a game
(15:46) gulogulonr1: cu you next time
(15:46) gulogulonr1: gg
(15:46) Botenjunge: Can we just try once in 100% speed? Just curious if the speed is causing the lag
(15:47) gulogulonr1: we can as a test
(15:47) Botenjunge: Okay thanks
(16:00) gulogulonr1: gg
(16:00) gulogulonr1: cu
(16:00) Botenjunge: That was fun thanks! I think I need to try from the computer, still got some lag despite 100% speed
(16:00) gulogulonr1: the lag differs
(16:01) Botenjunge: Or is it normal to have lag?
(16:01) gulogulonr1: some lag is normal i dont know how muich you have
(16:02) gulogulonr1: mine is normally from 20 -30ms
(16:02) Botenjunge: Sometimes its running fine but yes it differs, sometimes its unplayable from my laptop at least for 40% of the time
(16:03) gulogulonr1: depend son the load and your connection
(16:03) gulogulonr1: cable is the best wifi will add more lag
(16:04) gulogulonr1: when i ping the server right now i have 36 ms lag
(16:06) Botenjunge: How can I ping the server to see my lag?
(16:06) gulogulonr1: or latency
(16:07) gulogulonr1: if you click on info in th game online server it will give you the adress
(16:08) gulogulonr1: then in cmd prompt write ping and then the adress
(16:09) gulogulonr1: ping
(16:10) Botenjunge: I see. Yes its also 25 - 30
(16:10) gulogulonr1: but the game will also write the lag in the title bar when you play online
(16:11) Botenjunge: You are all maniacs for playing 160% with this occasional lag :D
(16:12) gulogulonr1: no you will get use to it just wait until you play against some of the good players
(16:15) gulogulonr1: there are also times where there is good connection
(16:15) gulogulonr1: *when
(16:17) gulogulonr1: by the way if you have discord there are also a blobby channel
(16:18) gulogulonr1: and one more thing you can change your name from right player to what you want by clicking on
(16:18) gulogulonr1: the name
(16:20) gulogulonr1: you probably knew that but you played as right player
(00:01) Mr.Enderson: Botenjunge, I just speak about myself. I have been started in 2008 here with 100% and in my best moments we played hours on hours on 100% for just only one match. My longest match was 435min, this means more than 7 hours... this isn´t fun. If I´m looking
(00:02) Mr.Enderson: back I can´t believe to play such long, just crazy. And this wasn´t the longest game here... Now with the faster speed it makes more fun because it is not boring anymore and you can play within few minutes. Longest match on 160 was round about 15-20min
(00:03) Mr.Enderson:
(00:05) Mr.Enderson: The longest match with 580min, nearly 10 hours
(00:05) Mr.Enderson:
(00:11) gulogulonr1: Guten Abend Mr. E
(01:08) Botenjunge: 10h on 100%? Even with 2h breaks for lunch, dinner and toilet…How is it even possible that neither of 2 players doesn’t make a mistake for so long.
(01:09) Botenjunge: Mr.Enderson do replays of multiple hour long games exist?
(08:48) Mr.Enderson: Well, there are many sick people in this world. :D
(08:49) Mr.Enderson: I didn´t believe it as I have started to play here but after playing against lot of players here I´ve become better an better and I can just say now - it is possible to play such a long time.
(08:50) Mr.Enderson: There were no longer breaks - the just make a break for toilet or after the first set but we´re talking about 5 up to 10min because if you´re waiting to long your "flow" is gone
(08:55) Mr.Enderson: We didn´t have replays. In that time it was not so common to make replays nor had anyone the possibility to make a "ingame" video
(20:37) Botenjunge: Hi ShinyArceus, I would be available now
(21:00) ShinyArceus: Hi Botenjunge, I can play now as well
(21:02) Botenjunge: Oh no, I now need 15 min longer
(21:02) ShinyArceus: okok
(21:44) ShinyArceus: hi gulo
(21:57) Botenjunge: Oh no, I now need 15 min longer
(00:40) Dr. B3st: Hi Leute, habe jetzt provisorisch ein Lankabel verlegt. D. h. ich habe jetzt wieder gute Pings und keine Verbindungsabbrüche. K. A. wie gut ich momentan bin aber wir können das gerne mal testen, solange die Zeit mitspielt.
(12:59) puffik7: Dr. B3st: it's good that you're back, you have every chance of winning your first gold medal
(16:08) gulogulonr1: what about you puffik7, when will you be back
(03:58) hajo: moin Dr.b3st :-) Ich hätte da gern am wieder gegen wen auch immer gespielt, nur hat sich leider vor rund 2 Monaten, die letzte funktionsfähige Blobbyversion verabschiedet. Entweder wurden die Server von Mr, Tron deaktiviert,
(04:00) hajo: oder ein xubuntu-Update hat die Server gekillt. Eine Neuinstallation ist trotz aller Mühen unmöglich... es funzt einfach nicht und Windoof installiere ich mir wegen Blobby nun wirklich nicht extra...^^ :-)
(18:00) gulogulonr1: hello hajo i tried to install xubuntu and then install blobby volley 1.1.1 followingthis guide :
(18:00) gulogulonr1:
(18:01) gulogulonr1: on my machine blobby works fine and the servers show up
(20:28) Dr. B3st: Ja das ist blöd hajo, hoffe du bekommst das irgendwie hin.
(16:07) Tron2006: Hajo schreibe das bitte im Discord ich denke daniel wird sich darum kümmern
(19:08) gulogulonr1: any1 160 game?
(01:25) hajo: Nochmal: Die Installation von Blobby auf Ubuntu, ist mir jetzt auch egal. Ich habe mir ein günstiges Thinkpad von Lenvo mit Win 11 gekauft und wie soll es anders sein, auch unter Win 11 funktioniert die Installation nicht...
(01:27) hajo: Es taucht eine Fehlermeldung auf, die mir aber auch jetzt egal ist. Davon mal abgesehen, ist Win 11 echt eine Zumutung...^^
(18:41) gulogulonr1: so whats up Hajo have you solved your problem
(18:57) gulogulonr1: hi
(09:46) agugglez: hi
(09:46) agugglez: wanna play?
(15:39) gulogulonr1: yes we can play if we can find a time

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