Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: fei
Time of the match: 25.12.2006 - 12:29
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
fei 15 : 4 bleached
Round 2
fei 15 : 6 bleached
Complete result:
30 : 10 bleached
fei has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of fei: 96 %
Expectation to win of bleached: 4 %
fei gets 2 points
New points of fei: 1588
fei is now on place 1
bleached gets -2 points
New points of bleached: 1051
bleached is now on place 49
Season-scoreExpectation to win of fei: 72 %
Expectation to win of bleached: 28 %
fei gets 14 season-points
New season points of fei: 1231
fei is now in season place 7
bleached gets -14 season-points
New season points bleached: 1039
bleached is now on season place 39
Comment of fei:
Super Gegner ;9 der sich mit allen Wassern gewaschen hat :) Happy X-Mas ;)Comment of bleached:
tjo was soll man machen, hab halt keine chance gehabt. noch nicht...