Blobby Volley League >> Score




Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: BVBenni
Time of the match: 12.05.2009 - 23:27

Round 1
BVBenni 15 : 17 Luca_Schooni

Round 2
BVBenni 15 : 8 Luca_Schooni

Complete result:
BVBenni 30 : 25 Luca_Schooni

BVBenni has won the match!

Expectation to win of BVBenni: 41 %
Expectation to win of Luca_Schooni: 59 %

BVBenni gets 29 points
New points of BVBenni: 1442
BVBenni is now on place 35

Luca_Schooni gets -29 points
New points of Luca_Schooni: 1445
Luca_Schooni is now on place 33

Expected result: 2:30

BVBenni gets 16 season-points
New season points of BVBenni: 1028
BVBenni is now in season place 21

Luca_Schooni gets -16 season-points
New season points Luca_Schooni: 1142
Luca_Schooni is now on season place 3

Comment of BVBenni: netzbug und netpoints sind zwei verschiedene paar schuhe...schlechter verlierer! geh lieber weiter noobs abziehen!
Comment of Luca_Schooni: Wenn hier jemand unfair spielt, dann wohl du. Netzbugs? K.A. davon. Aber musst es ja wissen. Wer hatte denn die dicken Netpoints im 2.? Hmm?

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