Blobby Volley League >> Score



Der geile Poet

Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: hans-maulwurf
Time of the match: 19.01.2008 - 16:40

Round 1
hans-maulwurf 8 : 15 Der geile Poet

Round 2
hans-maulwurf 6 : 15 Der geile Poet

Complete result:
hans-maulwurf 14 : 30 Der geile Poet

Der geile Poet has won the match!

Expectation to win of hans-maulwurf: 67 %
Expectation to win of Der geile Poet: 33 %

hans-maulwurf gets -34 points
New points of hans-maulwurf: 1578
hans-maulwurf is now on place 8

Der geile Poet gets 34 points
New points of Der geile Poet: 1522
Der geile Poet is now on place 10

The two oppoents are playing in different leagues.
The match hasn't been scored for the season ranking.

Comment of Der geile Poet: gutes match...hatte aber nen vorteil da er zu dem zeitpunkt nicht wirklich aktiv gespielt hat

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