Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: Der geile Poet
Time of the match: 10.12.2007 - 20:36
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
Der geile Poet 15 : 0 AMeise
Round 2
Der geile Poet 15 : 0 AMeise
Complete result:
Der geile Poet
30 : 0 AMeise
Der geile Poet has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of Der geile Poet: 75 %
Expectation to win of AMeise: 25 %
Der geile Poet gets 12 points
New points of Der geile Poet: 1326
Der geile Poet is now on place 30
AMeise gets -12 points
New points of AMeise: 1108
AMeise is now on place 98
Season-scoreExpectation to win of Der geile Poet: 85 %
Expectation to win of AMeise: 15 %
Der geile Poet gets 7 season-points
New season points of Der geile Poet: 1166
Der geile Poet is now in season place 2
AMeise gets -7 season-points
New season points AMeise: 1039
AMeise is now on season place 26
Comment of AMeise:
eigentlich noch deutlicher als das ergebnis andeutet, aber immerhin 1 (ein) Aufschlagwechsel... grrrrr