Blobby Volley League >> Score


Der geile Poet


Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: Der geile Poet
Time of the match: 04.12.2007 - 20:00

Round 1
Der geile Poet 15 : 17 Truth136

Round 2
Der geile Poet 15 : 5 Truth136

Complete result:
Der geile Poet 30 : 22 Truth136

Der geile Poet has won the match!

Expectation to win of Der geile Poet: 47 %
Expectation to win of Truth136: 53 %

Der geile Poet gets 27 points
New points of Der geile Poet: 1284
Der geile Poet is now on place 40

Truth136 gets -27 points
New points of Truth136: 1253
Truth136 is now on place 48

Expectation to win of Der geile Poet: 64 %
Expectation to win of Truth136: 36 %

Der geile Poet gets 18 season-points
New season points of Der geile Poet: 1152
Der geile Poet is now in season place 2

Truth136 gets -18 season-points
New season points Truth136: 1079
Truth136 is now on season place 13

Comment of Der geile Poet: super match! der 1te satz war der hammer, absolut ausgeglichen! im 2ten hab ich dann aufgedreht und das ganze noch gewendet^^Truth136 hats aber wirklich drauf!!!

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