Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: fei
Time of the match: 29.07.2007 - 15:12
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
fei 15 : 8 EatmySocks
Round 2
fei 15 : 9 EatmySocks
Complete result:
30 : 17 EatmySocks
fei has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of fei: 27 %
Expectation to win of EatmySocks: 73 %
fei gets 36 points
New points of fei: 1596
fei is now on place 5
EatmySocks gets -36 points
New points of EatmySocks: 1693
EatmySocks is now on place 2
The two oppoents are playing in different leagues.
The match hasn't been scored for the season ranking.
Comment of fei:
hättest du dein Avatar behalten, wärst du mit mehr Selbstbewusstsein reingegangen :) 3h:11 min Match. Toller Gegner, da Mitglied der Untergrund M.O.B.B.I.N.G. Fraktion ;)Comment of EatmySocks:
hammer match, da hat der mobbing fisch mich wohl zum mittagessen verputzt :D