Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: Vanek
Time of the match: 15.12.2012 - 15:29
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
Vanek 9 : 15 kamikazer
Round 2
Vanek 1 : 15 kamikazer
Complete result:
10 : 30 kamikazer
kamikazer has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of Vanek: 63 %
Expectation to win of kamikazer: 37 %
Vanek gets -31 points
New points of Vanek: 969
Vanek is now on place 93
kamikazer gets 31 points
New points of kamikazer: 941
kamikazer is now on place 103
Season-scoreExpected result: 30:10
Vanek gets -14 season-points
New season points of Vanek: 986
Vanek is now in season place 31
kamikazer gets 14 season-points
New season points kamikazer: 952
kamikazer is now on season place 42
Comment of kamikazer:
We have indeed played with each other. In fact Vanek challenged me, if anyone wants a print screen or even the login to see, feel free to ask