Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: -BEGINNER-
Time of the match: 13.12.2011 - 18:48
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
-BEGINNER- 15 : 4 b3ast
Round 2
-BEGINNER- 15 : 4 b3ast
Complete result:
30 : 8 b3ast
-BEGINNER- has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of -BEGINNER-: 74 %
Expectation to win of b3ast: 26 %
-BEGINNER- gets 13 points
New points of -BEGINNER-: 1585
-BEGINNER- is now on place 16
b3ast gets -13 points
New points of b3ast: 1374
b3ast is now on place 41
Season-scoreExpected result: 30:17
-BEGINNER- gets 5 season-points
New season points of -BEGINNER-: 1111
-BEGINNER- is now in season place 4
b3ast gets -5 season-points
New season points b3ast: 1071
b3ast is now on season place 7
Comment of b3ast:
Das war mit ~1h 30min mein bisher längstes Match. Nach einem Rückstand von 12:0 dachte ich nicht, dass ich nochmal ein paar Punkte hole :). Das war wirklich stark gespielt von -BEGINNER-, alle Achtung!