Version: Blobby Volley 2
Challenger: -BEGINNER-
Time of the match: 27.05.2011 - 23:18
Blobby-Volley-MatchResultRound 1
-BEGINNER- 1 : 15 Downburst
Round 2
-BEGINNER- 1 : 15 Downburst
Complete result:
2 : 30 Downburst
Downburst has won the match!
ScoreExpectation to win of -BEGINNER-: 26 %
Expectation to win of Downburst: 74 %
-BEGINNER- gets -13 points
New points of -BEGINNER-: 1595
-BEGINNER- is now on place 15
Downburst gets 13 points
New points of Downburst: 1805
Downburst is now on place 8
Season-scoreExpected result: 13:30
-BEGINNER- gets -9 season-points
New season points of -BEGINNER-: 1046
-BEGINNER- is now in season place 8
Downburst gets 9 season-points
New season points Downburst: 1111
Downburst is now on season place 2
Comment of -BEGINNER-:
ich hatte sauischste lags, aber downi finds toll so...Comment of Downburst:
bei mir wars lag frei... ich glaub wenn es so lagt das es nicht spielbar ist geht man ausm match,hab ich mal gehört...