Blobby Volley League >> player details

Profile of jauris:

status: player
place:0 (newcomer / inactive)
points: 1616
season-place:0 (no matches yet)
Blub-place:0 (no matches yet)
Ratings:481 x fair, 5 x middle, 1 x unfair (Details)
activity: -1
posts: 35
email:only for logged in players
member since:11.01.2009
last login:18.01.2020

other infos:
Electronics engineer from Lithuania.
I speak [EN],[RU],[PL],[LT]

played Blobby Volley matches: 413 (347W-4D-62L)
played blub matches: 60 (16W-2D-42L)


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Blobby Volley Liga