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Blobby Volley has changed


Blobby Volley has changed

It's not about skills, or technique.
It's not even about amusement or endurance.

It's an endless series of laggy battles,
fought by players and machines.

Blobby Volley, and its laggy gameplay,
has become a rational, well-oiled business transaction.

Blobby Volley has changed.

Lag-afflicted gamers playing with lag-afflicted enemies,
using lag-afflicted blobbys.

Laggs in Blobby Volley
do not enhance and regulate their actions.

No Blobby control.. Speed control..
Player control.. Game control.

Everything is monitored, but not under control.

Blobby Volley has changed.

The age of good gameplay is now the age of laggs,

And he who controls the laggs, controls the blobby.

Blobby Volley has changed.

When the blobby is not under total control,

the game becomes bad.

Blobby Volley has changed.

Re: Blobby Volley has changed


Eh not really.

About lags - i dont have lags!

About Gameplay - itīs now faster an first i was not for the faster server but now its good because this endless games agains hard players are over now. 160% Server and the hard players need 30 till 40 mins and not 10 or 15 hours!
And its your choise what you want - 100% or 120% or 130%.... not that problem.

About skill - what is "skill" in Blobby Volley? If you can play Blobby Volley it is not hard - you dont need skill, you need time to wait for the mistake from your opponent.

About Control - itīs up to you to hold the control, otherwise you make an mistake ;)

About lag-afflicted players - i donīt have lags!

Blooby changed but i think there are good changes - you have more options to choose and you can proof yourself in gamespeed playing.

Re: Blobby Volley has changed


You should not take it too seriously. The monologue is based on a videogame. Itīs a little inside joke.

Re: Blobby Volley has changed


I donīt take it too seriously - i just post my opinion^^

But when it is an joke then ok, never said anything before.


Re: Blobby Volley has changed


Brolithe can be more than just legend


Thank you translator
without you I was who Tor

Re: Blobby Volley has changed



Re: Blobby Volley has changed


Somehow true.

Re: Blobby Volley has changed

Dr. B3st

Some players have lags an the other one no problems. I think it's difficult for the programmers and server admins to fix the problems. If they could fix this problems without big problems I think we had no more problems.
But fact is the number of players are getting less.

Sorry for some grammatic mistakes but my english is not really perfect.

Re: Blobby Volley has changed


Zitat von b3ast:
Some players have lags an the other one no problems. I think it's difficult for the programmers and server admins to fix the problems. If they could fix this problems without big problems I think we had no more problems.
But fact is the number of players are getting less.

Sorry for some grammatic mistakes but my english is not really perfect.

I agree 100000% with you. That's why I said somehow. Depends for everyone.

The fact is getting sadder and sadder everyday. Less players play everyday or are even online everyday. Something which tells you a lot for the game play.

When I joined (2013 or 2014), there were a lot of players online and playing at the same time. You could at times see around 10 players online at the same time.
Boy I can't imagine even before that, when Katja and Downburst where still not at that level they are today (2006 to 2008? - 2012) I see in their matches a lot of good players, that are gone and have disappeared from the league. Namely players like brolithelegend, Cote D'Ivoire and a couple of more..

What is even sadder, that we get less players signing in and they aren't quality or exceptional players. They will never get into the top 10! The current new players are not good players. 99% are bad, maybe 1% could be decent. I fear we could never see a new top 10 member, or even a new Katja, or Downburst, or GK.....

Although sad, I think this league should have been shut down in 2008 when Mortan announced to do so. Because today, only past players (which are attracted to the league) are the core of this league. They are the only ones that keep this league going. It's just like a country. It's economy is booming at it's early years because of good game play and a lot of players who are attracted. Then problems arrive with the servers. People don't like that and suddenly disappear from the league, because most of them can't play well for a reason. The economy is falling down quickly. Now only the core players keep it alive (practically a bankrupt country, or a country with a non-existent economy).

If the league was shut down in 2008, the league would have been memorized by many as a good league, which features a good game with a good game play and good online play. But now every day, I see the league falling and falling down, less players are signing in. If you don't see a profit in that, why don't take the league down? Or pass it to new players who want to become admins, maybe they have aspiring ideas which will make the league rising again. Of course I am not criticizing Mortan and his staff because they still do a great job to keep the league alive despite all the problems. But I think new admins could also bring interesting ideas to the league. Who knows, maybe the ideas can make the league be popular again.

This league needs inspirations, and maybe to start with a new webpage. This webpage is good but I would say a little outdated. Younger people like seeing modern websites, because they think that if a league has a modern website, they would think that the league is aiming new players and would want to expand. So like that people mention the league to their friends, colleagues, internet people they know, and just like that, this league becomes popular among people.

Cheers everyone

Re: Blobby Volley has changed


The new site is not the most important. This is only a change of form, but does not change the essence. The bottom line is that the game is a delay and laggs. Version of the game did not have such properties until 2013. In 2013, I did not even know what the word LAGG. Good players are disappearing because of the Lugg.

Jio, Makica, Cho, Chamelion,Kleox,Mikado, Camel...............

The bright memory of him.:(:(

Give us back the old version of the game !!!


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